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Written By Unknown on Monday, February 28, 2011 | 2/28/2011 07:09:00 PM

The first in my series of books is done!

 Over 200 Tried and Tasted Recipes 

This book has been a lot of fun!  Fortunately, my next book deals with a low calorie item.  I need this because  I gained 5 pounds with this book, but it was worth every bite.  I can't decide which recipe is my favorite.  It's a toss-up between "Honey-Bun" and "Red Velvet".  The "Rum Cake" is very tastey too, and the cookies are fantastic.

The reason I wrote this book, was because so many Preppers, I've spoke with, had purchased Bulk Yellow Cake Mix and had no idea as to what to do with it.  The "Yellow Cake Mix Cookbook" should help with this.

We should be able to start taking orders this week, so stay tuned!


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Prepper PodCast

Survival Cook Books

I am happy to report that my newest book has gone through the first edit. It's in for the second editing and hopefully this will be the last. I'm so anxious to get this book out to all of you. It has been so much fun to do. The nice thing about writing a cook book is all of the "research", the cooking and eating (the eating is my favorite part).

This line of Cook Books is geared for all of those who have worked hard building a survival pantry. And the reason for these books; is that if "the doodie hits the fan", we'll have to start using those goods stored up in our pantries, but let's be honest... when you're under stress like that, you won't be too creative in the kitchen. These books will help you.

I've read a lot of cook books on how to use dried goods, rice and beans, and those meals will keep you alive, providing you can get everyone to eat them. If you have children, you know what I mean. I know that if a person is hungry enough they'll eat anything, but why let it get to that when you have the products that can make delicious meals. You just need the recipes and that's what my books will give you.

Many of these, are the same recipes that we use for our own line of Survival Meals. I'm not "plugging" these products, just pointing out that these recipes offer tasty, healthy meals. In fact, in our house this is all we use and because of it, our health is great, our panty gets rotated more often, we don't have to worry about spoilage, and our food bill has dropped drastically. I know you'll enjoy these meals, plus save money on your food bill.

Well, back to work. I just wanted to give an update to those that had been asking. It's almost done... YIPPEE!

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